Let the Fireworks Begin ~ a plein air poem for the 4th of July

Let the Fireworks Begin




The star showers.

The wild flowerings.

The palm trees and peonies,

dahlias, chrysanthemums

of high-flying light;

The waterfalls

of sparks, colors.

The bright night-burnings

embering down

into dark.

The flashes

and shimmers

of earth-flung comets,

bracelets, diadems.

The rocketing arcs

you follow with wide-open eyes, 

almost held-breath,

till you ohh and aah

from the outbursts

of silver and gold;

emerald, rose, rare blue.

Feel the ensuing booms

reverberate in your belly

as you lie face-to-sky

on a wide-spread blanket

easy and cozy with friends.

And savor all ~

amid the dangling spangles,

and wizzing, crackling,

whistling sounds ~

with innocent wonder.

Through the last fanfare:

the blazing, rousing finale;

the applause,

the drifting clouds

of smoke and contented crowds.




Colin Goedecke

Morristown, New Jersey

July 4th, 2016

The Lady Smiled ~ a plein air poem for the Statue of Liberty & all things liberating

The Lady Smiled


               for Ute Dugan on becoming an American citizen


When you took your oath to life,

liberty and the pursuit of happiness

today, the statue

of the colossally copper-clad lady

standing since 1886

at New York’s door

with her sunlit torch of gold,

smiled. And as she smiled,

ships of all shapes

and sizes and ages,

especially ferries and tugs,

blew whistles and horns

sky-high and bass-low.

And bells on bicycles

and church towers,

from the Battery to Gramercy

rang clearly, and joyfully.

All to salute you

and your declaration of independence,

your pledge to pursue the possibilities

and great freedoms

that come with being an American;

that belong to us as citizens;

who, us among them, welcome you

today with broad stripes and bright stars.




Colin Goedecke

New York City

April 2007