Let the Fireworks Begin ~ a plein air poem for the 4th of July

Let the Fireworks Begin




The star showers.

The wild flowerings.

The palm trees and peonies,

dahlias, chrysanthemums

of high-flying light;

The waterfalls

of sparks, colors.

The bright night-burnings

embering down

into dark.

The flashes

and shimmers

of earth-flung comets,

bracelets, diadems.

The rocketing arcs

you follow with wide-open eyes, 

almost held-breath,

till you ohh and aah

from the outbursts

of silver and gold;

emerald, rose, rare blue.

Feel the ensuing booms

reverberate in your belly

as you lie face-to-sky

on a wide-spread blanket

easy and cozy with friends.

And savor all ~

amid the dangling spangles,

and wizzing, crackling,

whistling sounds ~

with innocent wonder.

Through the last fanfare:

the blazing, rousing finale;

the applause,

the drifting clouds

of smoke and contented crowds.




Colin Goedecke

Morristown, New Jersey

July 4th, 2016