Green Clouds



Green clouds

lie along the surface

of our coastal passage.

Clouds of conifers,

of Sitka spruce, cedar,

shore pine,

hemlock and alder;

that change shape by decades

instead of days;

by generations

of snow and light;

that share the shelter

of their deep-rooted solace

with the water,

the earth, the birds

and sometime-passing men.



The Inside Passage

Southeast Alaska

July 2009


Sea Cycle



A man rides his bicycle

on the sea.

Salt rubs the tires,

sun reflects on the soles

of his shoes

as he pedals

over starfish

and speckled crabs,

under seagulls

and threaded clouds,

past fishermen

and upright bathers --

until the pier,

where he turns left

and follows the sun down

over the horizon.



Forte dei Marmi


October 1997

from The Speed of Sight


Point of Convergence



Of pinegreen land.

Of ashgray sand

studded with bleached

oyster shells,

wavewashed stones.

Of clearcold sea.

Of a slow-moving scrim

of saltwhite mist

soft over the surfaces;

echoing a low tide of

bluebordered clouds.

Of an unveiled body

and spirit of a free-

floating man, poet.

Coming together,

flowing together

on a solitary, salutary

Maine coast morning.



on Seapoint Beach

near Gerrish Island



Late June 2017


Venice Begins 



It begins with a ripple,

of mortality: coffins floating.

Of near fatality:

patients floating

on waterborne stretchers.

Of locality: fisherman floating

in the glass green lagoon

above curious crustaceans

and one black figure

in a frog suit.

Then continues,

in its richly aqueous way,

rising and falling

on tides of Canaletto light,

travelers, and the whims

of history and nature.



in Venezia


September 2007


Water Falling



Water falls

thousands of feet

down the sheer stone face.

Fiorded light falls

down the tree-bannistered

glacial ridge,

below the elbow

of Endicott Arm.

As the rush

of The Race,

of the rapids,

rises up, revels up

past earth and ears

into the morning air.



kayaking in Ford’s Terror

Endicott Arm,

Southeast Alaska

July 2009